Saturday, December 7, 2019

Information and Communications Technology Services †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Information and Communications Technology Services. Answer: Introduction: ICT or Information Communication Technology is regarded as the component or infrastructure enabling modern computing. The ICT or Information and Communication Technology Services intend to deliver IT or Information Technology resources for various tasks in any project. The project regarding ICT Services has been chosen here. This is because it has been committed to providing technical solutions and quality customer services under IT environment of organizations community. The following report analyzes the ICT services for the current era. It considers the project implemented 3D Networks Singapore Pte Ltd, the Republic of Singapore as an example to find and explain the chosen project. Then, it demonstrates the best practices for the organizations who need to apply this theory successfully. Analysis of frameworks for ICT Services and case study of 3D Networks: The objectives of an ICT service project are to develop access for lowering costs and better quality of ICT or Information and Communication Technologies. It enables development of e-applications in recipients theory (Byrne and Corrado 2017). The changes cover two dimensions. The first one results in modifications of frameworks. The second is fund reallocation taking place between various categories of expenditures. This reallocation is necessary for allocating refund preparation advancement and different unallocated funds. Further, the ICT development project is helpful to develop access, quality and ICT services. This helps in enhancing access, quality and usage of ICT services for achieving socio-economic development in various organizations at Singapore. It contains various frameworks that might contain various components. First of all, it consists of support for regulatory and legal reforms, aimed to promote additional competition in sectors and to reduce tariffs. Next, there is the universal service to access that is aimed to promote ICT services for understanding sectors through creating USF or Universal Service Funds and implementing sub-projects (Giraldo et al. 2017). The next component of this ICT pilot project is intended to develop competitiveness and growth in various ICT enabled services. This is through the use of innovative ICTY applications and broadband. The last element is the support regarding the management of this ICT service project from the regional implementing agency. Application of theories at 3D Networks: The ever-rising usage and complexity of ICT and increase in dependency of various firms on high-quality ICT services have been making efficient and effective ICT management. This has been a highly challenging and difficult task. For assisting ICT managers with this task, various ICT management approaches are created. The primary aim of the approaches has been to describe processes and tasks needed to be carried out in ICT management. Further, their interrelationships are described and the method in which they get correlated and deliver a framework for managing any ICT organization (Popplewell 2015). Two prominent theories towards ICT services are discussed in the following sections. They are MCM of Information Systems and ITIL. This is understood from the implementation strategy done by 3D Networks Singapore Pte Ltd at the Republic of Singapore. 3D Networks Singapore Pte Ltd delivers a converged voice and data network infrastructure to businesses. Management, Control and Maintenance of Information Systems: It is a popular approach towards management of ICT known as MCM or Management, Control and Maintenance of Information Systems. It has been covering a wide range of ICT management topics. Moreover it has been providing a coherent framework regarding operation, implementation and planning of ICT management for 3D Networks. Primary elements of the approach are MCM paradigm, MCM Tasks Frame of Reference, the State Model and Triple Model of MCM (Riekstin et al. 2015). Every stakeholder at 3D networks has been able to get access to a single database holding information required for daily operations. As this is used for project management of the company, the consultant, client and contractors have been able to gain a high level of transparency (Srensen and Skouby 2015). This it has been easy to develop trust. Further, owing to the flexibilities brought by the use of devices like smartphones and tablet computers, MCM has been helpful to generate revenue reports, performance reports for employees, costs to track reports and so on for 3D networks. As they used those reports, they were able to develop those operations. Further, it has helped the company to gain competitive advantages. The reason is that the operations have been smoother and faster and results are obtained learning quickly and efficiently. Customers of 3D Networks have been satisfied with those service deliveries since they were receiving answers that are searched by them faster. The employees are also motivated since most of the activities have turned out to be more accessible with adequate access to data (Stockhammer 2017). Moreover, the innovation has been eradicating redundant roles. While information is efficiently stored, it has been possible to recognize parts of systems that have been not needed. It indicated that efforts that have been duplicated were eradicated. Thus 3D Networks has been able to use available resources better. The main elements of the approach are the MCM Paradigm, the MCM Tasks Frame of Reference, the (Extended) State Model and the so-called Triple Model of MCM. These elements are described in the following paragraphs. The MCM Paradigm For positioning of MCM, this paradigm is introduced. Here, 3D Networks has viewed itself as a dynamic system. This system is modelled according to IS or information system or RS or real system. This has been determining and controlling the behaviour of a real system (Van Ark 2016). MCM Tasks Frame of Reference For assuring that IS functions, as per predefined requirement and under imposed constraints, an exhaustive list of tasks is defined. This is needed to be carried out in regular practices of ICT management. The State Model It has been defining various stages of development, management and usage of an information system. It has been taking a non-linear approach towards life-cycle of IS and overcoming essential limitations of linear Waterfall approaches that are developed previously (Garca Guzmn et al. 2015). Triple Model of MCM It has been described management of ICT at 3D Networks, as a set of risks that are grouped under task areas and task fields. This is done the basis of coherence and nature. IT Infrastructure Library: For the current scenario, ITIL or IT Infrastructure Library is an effective approach for 3D Networks. It is a collection of various best practices covering various subjects of ICT management. Further, it has been providing a framework to organize IT Service Management defined a managing of entire ICT sector in 3D Networks, it activities and infrastructure. ITIL has aimed to provide a coherent, consistent and consistent set of best practices for IT service management processes (Pieroni and Iazeolla 2016). The ITIL Service strategies have explained customer requirements and business goals for 3D networks. They have helped them to show how to move their policy into plans. Further, ITIL Continual Service Improvements has helped adopters to plan and evaluate large and small developments towards IT services (Heeks, Subramanian and Jones 2015). This is done by promoting a quality approach to achieving business efficiency and effectiveness in using information systems. Two of the essential elements of the framework are discussed below. Service Delivery: It has been covering various processes, needed to plan and delivery ICT services as per the requirement and under the constraints implemented by a business of 3D Networks. It has been concerned with setting up service agreements and assuring that the negotiations have been met. First of all, it has involved service level management. Its aim has been improving and maintain a quality of ICT service through consistently reporting, monitoring, agreeing in ICT service levels (Hilty and Aebischer 2015). Further, it has been considered corrective measures during service level degradation of 3D Networks. The next step involved here is capacity management that has intended towards optimal planning and deploying ICT resources at 3D Networks. It has assured that the future and current capacity demands of ICT organizations have been cost-effectively met every time. Them there has been availability management that assured that 3D Networks has delivered different cost-effective ICT services with an availability level meeting use demands and enabling them in satisfying business objectives. Next step has been financial management ensuring that resources and assets for provisioning ICT service have been used by 3D Networks cost-effectively. The last level has been IT service continuity management helping 3D Networks in the case of disruption of ICT services. This can be recovered under the time frame agreed with business supporting overall business continuity (Matzler et al. 2015). Service Support: It is next essential segment of ITIL framework for ICT service management. It has covered six closely related processes. It has been concerned to assure that the users get access to proper ICT service, at an appropriate time and adequate place supporting 3D Networks business functions. A primary aim of the process has been to assure that ICT services are delivered to users as there is any case of service disruption. It has included reactions to required changes and reacting to various failures in ICT services provision (Tuunanen, Boehmann and Henfridsson 2017). Different processes covered in this step have been to achieve middle-term goals for 3D Networks and is found at a tactical level. The various steps involved in this are demonstrated at this moment. The first one is the service desk. This is intended to provide contact between users and ICT service providers. It has included 3D Networks ICT department and different other third-party support agencies. The next one is incident management. It is intended to resolve and handle incidents for minimizing the effect of ICT services productions and then restore normal service levels very quickly. Then there is problem management. This has helped 3D Networks to reduce adverse impacts of errors in ICT infrastructure on service levels and prevent recurrence of events related to those mistakes. Then there has been changing management that has helped 3D Networks to efficiently handle and timely deliver every change of OCT infrastructure (Sanz, Gmez-Prez and Castillo-Martinez 2018). Thus it has helped in minimizing the effect of various change-related disturbances on the quality level of various ICT services. The last one has been release management. It has assisted in planning and overseeing successful changes securing and traceably rolling out software and hardware for designing and implementing active processes for that rollout. It has also involved in agreeing on implementation and content. Discussion on above findings: Findings and factors of success for the current project: The different approaches as discussed above have offered various benefits for practitioners engaged in regular ICT management and 3D Networks. They have been providing a distinct frame of references as per as structure of 3D Network, their resources tasks and processes. These are intended to be carried out to achieve an efficient and effective ICT management. Few of these approaches have been providing guidelines regarding practical implementation of ICT management. Thus, they can be utilized as the tool to improve ICT management processes and implement and plan new ones. Further, they have been helpful to create a well-structured vision in 3D Network. ITIL and MCM have offered an overall framework to organize management of ICT and deliver vision in the organization regarding the method in which administration of ICT could be held. They have been used to grasp complex process interrelationships and IT characteristics and form the solid ground to initiate organizational change under ICT services. The things that worked improperly for 3D networks: However, these have not worked well in every situation for 3D Network. First of all, they have been representing mostly frameworks to manage ICT. These have been slightly processing maps than organizational models along with a lacking structure for application and modeling (Maryska and Doucek 2015). The above study has been unable to explain the actual use of those practices and implementation aspects. There have been very fewer guidelines regarding how the processes could be implemented at 3D Network and how the company could re-engineer or change their structures for accommodating those processes. Thus numerous how-to queries have been unanswered. A significant problem has been their inability to predict various organizational structures in details. This has left gaps between practices and approaches (Al-Akkad et al. 2014). Further, scalability has been another problem and not immediately apparent how must of the process 3D Network implement. This also included what activities and tasks must be left out. For example, the deployment of MCM has been bringing problems to 3D networks, regarding the cost of equipment. Thus there has been a loss of proper devices that could be used by management executives and employees to interact with systems. Further, training of workforce has been a big issue. This is because 3D networks never had any proper understanding about the full benefits to use that. Hence the practice has been a time-consuming and expensive exercise for the firm (Cid-Lpez et al. 2015). ITIL, on the other hand, has brought drawbacks for 3D Networks regarding peoples disguised expectations about it. As it has been very often wrongly seen as an end state, it has been a framework to manage the evolution of how IT has remained aligned to the necessities of 3D Network. Best practice for companies intended to apply ICT services successfully: The best method for the companies can be the deployment of ITPM or Information Technology Process Theory created by IBM Global Services. It has been defining a reference model to control ICT under any organization. It has aimed to provide a starting point to understand the present process and form the ground-stone for restructuring and designing. This can be used as the analysis system to determine weaknesses and strengths of ICT organizations (Holm and stergaard 2015). The model has described a set of ICT processes and constituent activities and showing information flow taking place between different processes and operations. Limitation of the above theory: However, the approach has been defining a proper implementation model and instruction sets that are needed to be followed. This has been contributing to natural adaptation and flexibility in various situations (Gossart 2015). The theory has aimed to provide a framework under which best practices are described in ITIL that must be implemented. Thus ITPM could be utilised a complementary model to ITIL. Conclusion: To summarize, by the information discussed above, it can be concluded that ICT management approaches have been offering visions regarding management of ICT services. It has been further providing needed constituent elements and left open queries regarding their deployment in practice. In this study, foundations for research on ICT services have been outlined. The problems with efficient and effective ICT services in current organizations like 3D networks were understood. The current tools and approaches utilized for coping with those challenges were analyzed. Various limitations of those theories were recognized and necessity of additional research to overcome them was demonstrated. On the basis, if a concise review of theoretical developments as reported in the study, expected benefits of ICT services related to their issues were presented, Further, some problems in a simulation of an ICT management process were also discussed. Based on those challenges, the research objectives, pro blem areas and research questions for ICT service projects are defined. References: Al-Akkad, A., Raffelsberger, C., Boden, A., Ramirez, L., Zimmermann, A. and Augustin, S., 2014, May. Tweeting'when online is off'? Opportunistically creating mobile ad-hoc networks in response to disrupted infrastructure. InISCRAM. Byrne, D.M. and Corrado, C.A., 2017. ICT Asset Prices: Marshaling Evidence into New Measures. Byrne, D.M. and Corrado, C.A., 2017. 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