Saturday, January 25, 2020

Transformation of Islam: Islam in the societies of Central Asia Essay e

The next work used to study the Islamic government is â€Å"Siyasatnama† (â€Å"Treatise on government†) which provides a model of statecraft and administrative practice. â€Å"Siyasatnama† was written by a distinguished statesman of 11th century, a grand vizier, Abu ‘Ali al-Hasan al-Tusi (1018-92), who was given a title of â€Å"Nizam al-Mulk† (â€Å"the regulator of the state†) for faithful service to Seljuk sultans Alp Arslan and Malik-Shakh (Ibn Khallikan, page 90). â€Å"Siyasatnama† is chosen for present investigation because it reflects social and political life and moral values of the Seljuk period (Scott Meisami, page 145). â€Å"Siyasatnama† allows approaching the Islamic government from two perspectives. First, the Seljuk environment in the late 11th century will be discussed, and last, Nizam al-Mulk’s life experience will be considered. The 11th century Islamic world was characterized by strife and turmoil (Zakhodyor, page 244). Different sects appeared undermining the unity of the ummah, and the Ismailian sect of Muslims was gaining strength in Khorasan (Scott Meisami, page 161). Constant struggle for power between Shiites, Sunnis, and heterodoxy weakened the protection of the state, what was enjoyed by other nations taking military campaigns against Seljuks (for example, Dandanaqan battle) (lecture 2, week 7). In such political situation viziers were especially important, and a valuable contribution to strengthen the Seljuk Empire was made by Nizam al-Mulk, who conducted the state's domestic and foreign policies. Nizam al-Mulk’s theory of government is mainly based on a religious approach. Indeed, Seljuk court was important protectors of Islamic traditions (lecture 2, week 7). A picture of Seljuks as ardent Muslims is given by Aristakes Lastivertc’I ... ...y Nizam al-Mulk’s deep piety. Nizam al-Mulk devotes much attention to strengthening the faith on which Islamic government is based. Nizam al-Mulk relates that when the faith is weakened the state collapses (Ð ¡Ã ¸Ã' Ã' Ã °Ã'‚Ð ½Ã °Ã ¼Ã °, page 61). Indeed, ideology really matters for theocracies, it is the main factor that unites it, and destroying of it lead to break up of the whole state. To sum up, the issues of justice, virtue, and benevolence raised in the work determine the political views of its author. In turn, a socio-political system built by Seljuks had a significant impact on the formation of Nizam al-Mulk’s views. Thus, â€Å"Siyasatnama† is not only an excellent literary monument but also an important material in studying an Islamic governmental system of the Middle Ages, which contains a knowledge gained in practice and gives an idea of what an ideal government should be.

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